Group sessions
" Group running, cheaper than therapy"
Regular Training Sessions
Our sessions are designed to help anyone who wants to learn to run, or who is already running and wants to improve. Sessions open to aged 12+ (all children under 16 need an adult present).
Non-members are welcome to come and join up to four sessions free before membership sign up is required - please contact CRC @ to chat about suitable sessions to come and try.
WEDNESDAYS Club Run for those who can run/jog already Members only
7.15pm - 8.15pm in Chatteris, club run with a run/walk option
THURSDAYS Suitable for newer runners Members only
Varied blocks of progressive sessions, time and location as advised on the Club Facebook Page.
AD-HOC Sessions
We provide one-off sessions for track, technique and fitness tests every so often which are accessible to members. These are led by a qualified Coach and are not included in the free trial offer.
We also arrange one-off club runs at other times, which are usually over a longer distance and occasionally opened up to non members.
Copyright© Chatteris Running Club 2016 - 2021